Monday, January 3, 2011

IVP 2010/2011 Fixtures


Please be informed of the following games on the following dates.

For every game, please be at the venue latest by 6.30pm, any later than that, please provide a valid reason.

Bring along both set of jerseys, black Nike shorts and socks.
All games are kick-off at 7.30pm sharp.

These are the upcoming games in IVP.

7/1/11 - SIM vs NTU (@ NTU)
12/1/11 - SIM vs RP (@ NP)
21/1/11 - SIM vs NUS (@ NUS)
7/2/11 - SIM vs ITE (@ NP)

I have stated all conditions and game dates and timing so I will expect no stupid questions to be asked. Let's do it this year guys.


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