Friday, August 13, 2010


hey guys,

Please pay real attention to this post here. Ok as all of you know, we are planing a IVP training trip to Kuala Lumpur.

Why KL? It is the capital of Malaysia and it has many big universities and obviously our opponents are of that sort and from Coach Marko's contacts. Why KL as well, very good qn, KL boast a wonderful night life as comparable or even better to that of Singapore.

It has:
  1. KL Zouk
  2. KLCC
  3. Asian Heritage Row(Their Md Sultan alike)
  4. Starhill
  5. Girls, girls and girls.(see how big Josh's eyes are litted up)

Ok tentatively I am gonna propose this date for us to head up. 24/11 night we are leaving SG to take a coach up to KL. We will reach our hotel around morning 25/11. Our whole duration of trip will be 25/11 to 28/11, whereby 28/11(sunday) morning we will depart for SG.

I will try to make this a NO-COST trip but if need be, pls be prepared to bear 30% of the overall cost of the trip(max S$250).

We are looking to accomodate up to 18-20 players, Coach Marko and hopefully a physio. The hotel we are staying is NOT gna be a 4-5 star hotel, its jst something cosy and most importantly, situated NEAR the heart of everywhere.

This is the URL to our hotel. Checkaitouts!

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