Friday, August 27, 2010

Arranged Games so far

Hey guys,

This is jst a quick update on our upcoming games we have in stored.
Also, there will not be any Thursday trainings unless being informed.

30 Aug 2010(Monday) - Be at NUS field by 6.15pm, match at 7pm or 7.30pm (IVP RED)
22 Sept 2010(Wed) - SUNig 1st game vs NTU, match at 7.30pm, reach by 6.30pm
01 Oct 2010 - SUNig 2nd game vs NUS, match at 7.30pm, reach by 6.30pm
06 Oct 2010 - SUNig 3rd game vs SMU, match at 7.30pm

This will be the last reminder, we will alws report 1 hour before match kick off, so dont ask what time report and any more silly questions babe.


Thursday, August 26, 2010


Hi Guys,

Nike is conducting an island wide search for 'THE ONE' soccer player that will be sent to Nike Football Academy in London. Over there, you will be undergoing top notch training from top class coaches and you will spend a period of 9 months before returning back to our familiar shores.

Of course if you are chosen and acknowledged for yr talent in football, who knows, you might be scouted for some english teams.

The below are the details for the trials and SIM is exclusively invited for it:

16 Sept 2010
4.45pm, Tampines Safra Pitch


Wednesday, August 25, 2010

We were the champions of SuNig 2008, as for d 2010 edition, its about a month away. Looking at our squad for this yr, it is definitely one of d best sch teams in S'pore. I strongly believe that many if nt most of d players would be able t make in into d AUG team. On our day, we can match any Prime League team, which was shown in d past two games.
Unfortunately, we havent been able t get any results frm our games leading t this yr's SuNig. For those who are curious, our current form reads D-D-L-L-L, one tt even Wigan or Portsmouth would nt b proud of. D President has v high expectations of our team, which is rightly so since 70% of d team has gt COE/PLeague/Sleague experience. Bringing back SuNig is one of our main priorities and we want t push d club t another level.
This is why, some of d senior players, esp myself, is v harsh on d team. No disrepect, bt SIM used t b d whipping boys in SuNig/IVP and nw tt thr is a strong team, thr is a v gd chance of us winning. Yes, I have t admit, tt Im v harsh on d field, scolding whenever a bad pass is made/loss of possession etc. Bt d reason why I do this is because I want d team t do well, play better, and most imptly, WIN. It may seem t you tt I find fault w ppl, namely WeeYang, bt tt is nv d case. Im nt saying tt Im d best player ard, bt I jst want t give my 5cents worth, pass on my advice and experience so tt we can b a better team.
I knw my shouting and scolding is wrong. Im nt tt kinda person and Im v puzzled myself, bt mayb Im jst t pushy and eager t win. So Im here to apologise t evryone. My scolding has only cause some players t nt b able t express themselves during d game, fearing t make a mistake. I knw Ive hurt you guys, and you guys dun deserve this. I sincerely hope tt you guys forgive me and we work tgt t bring SuNig back.

Monday, August 23, 2010


hi guys, brief updates..

1. Training this tuesday 7pm @ ulu pandan
2. Thursday no training
3. Friday MIGHT HAVE game against SMU @ indian association field, 3pm
4. Friendly against NUS confirmed, 30 Aug (monday), 7.30pm. report at NUS field by 6.45pm; wear IVP red

thats all


Friday, August 20, 2010

Friendly Result: SIM 0-3 Gombak Utd

a spirited performance from the boys in black against the devilicious red of the gombak players. aloy did an about turn on the lads in black so its due course now we knw where his loyalty lies.

nevertheless, the game started w weeyang in goal and a solid bck 4 of vincent, joshy, jerald and captain zhonglun. jst playing in front is a diamond shaped centre mid comprising of darren, jason and romulo and with khai on the left and sinting on the right. t complete it all, it was a debut start for sebastian seah on the frontline against the seasoned prime league players.

game started off brightly with both sides stroking passes, no doubt it was gombak tt was enjoying most of d possession. first goal came albeit d fact tt it looked marginally offside but w/o d linesman, ref also have a tough job in hand.

the match went in half time at 1-0 t d home side with more chances f each sides, jst failing t capitalise.

2nd half started with fahmi coming in as a half time sub f romulo. SIM looked to impose themselves stronger in this half n 2nd goal came duly off a deflection pass and a swift counter attack from the right brought a little kevin wee t a standstill. the right mid duly converted t d delight of the gombak bench, same goal from a similar area, 2-0.

SIM had a glorious chance t put themselves bck into the game when the goal was gapping in fronta fahmi only for the keeper's reflexes t parry the ball away. gombak seemed t have slacken n lowered their gear a little, allowing SIM t penetrate n enjoy more possession in d attacking third.

3rd goal came and the contest was well off for the away team as the gombak team steamrolled their way t their friendly win.

no doubt we lost lads, it was a good runout from weeyang who played well t keep d scoreline respectable, gombak had a few laughing stock moment esp the incident where 34 had a foul throw called on him. Josh was being the happy commentator commenting, 'is this what we expect from a professional?' true enough but it was a well appreciated fight up to d 90th min and lads, i can nv be more proud of yr overall performance.

keep it up, i smell d sunig's trophy coming bck t ulu pandan.

Monday, August 16, 2010

This wk's highlights(16-Aug to 22Aug)

Hey guys, pls take note and duly reply me promptly regarding yr availability on these games and training:

1. Training on Tuesday, Ulu Pandan @ 7pm (17 Aug 2010)
2. Match VS Gombak Prime League @ 7.30pm, Bkt Gombak Std, Wear SUNig Black (19 Aug 2010, Thursday)

3. Match VS Geylang Prime League @ 5.30pm, Bedok Std, Wear IVP Red (21 Aug 2010, Saturday)

Please kindly inform me ASAP regarding Saturday's game guys. Thanks!


Friday, August 13, 2010


hey guys,

Please pay real attention to this post here. Ok as all of you know, we are planing a IVP training trip to Kuala Lumpur.

Why KL? It is the capital of Malaysia and it has many big universities and obviously our opponents are of that sort and from Coach Marko's contacts. Why KL as well, very good qn, KL boast a wonderful night life as comparable or even better to that of Singapore.

It has:
  1. KL Zouk
  2. KLCC
  3. Asian Heritage Row(Their Md Sultan alike)
  4. Starhill
  5. Girls, girls and girls.(see how big Josh's eyes are litted up)

Ok tentatively I am gonna propose this date for us to head up. 24/11 night we are leaving SG to take a coach up to KL. We will reach our hotel around morning 25/11. Our whole duration of trip will be 25/11 to 28/11, whereby 28/11(sunday) morning we will depart for SG.

I will try to make this a NO-COST trip but if need be, pls be prepared to bear 30% of the overall cost of the trip(max S$250).

We are looking to accomodate up to 18-20 players, Coach Marko and hopefully a physio. The hotel we are staying is NOT gna be a 4-5 star hotel, its jst something cosy and most importantly, situated NEAR the heart of everywhere.

This is the URL to our hotel. Checkaitouts!

little pea

i actually wnted to b a chicharitoooo,
half for SIM half for Gombak..
that kevin little say can, bt end of d mth, my pay half also.
so if any kind soul wnna fund for chicharito, i'll gladly turn out in BRACCCK!
i heard thr are still funds frm last yr.. hmmm...

Friendly Game


We are looking at a friendly game next thursday against Gombak Utd Prime League.
Aloy is a traitor, he has decided to turn out for the colours of Gombak for their mini, nothing but talk cock talk big coach.

Please revert yr availability to Aloy hopefully by this weekend so that we can tie up the logistics ends of the game.

Thursday (19 Aug 2010), 7.30pm
Bkt Gombak Std, Please wear SUNig Black jersey.

Kumsa hamnida!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Hi guys,

Please note the following updates:
1. First game for SUNig has been changed to 22/9/2010(wed), against NTU @ NTU
2. We have already purchased our SUNig/IVP jersey for the 2010/2011 season.
3. There will be training at Ulu Pandan this thursday at 7pm. We will be doing body weights and using the street soccer pitch.


Tuesday, August 3, 2010

This week's highlights

hello peeps,

these are the events for this week.

  1. 3 Aug 2010(Tues) - 5pm SIM Soccer Trials
  2. 3 Aug 2010(Tues) - 7pm SIM Soccer Training at Ulu Pandan
  3. 5 Aug 2010(Thurs) - 5pm SIM Soccer Trials
  4. 6 Aug 2010(Friday) - 7pm Match Vs Temasek Poly @ TP (wear IVP Red)

Update: Our this year kit will be proudly attired by Nike. Home jersey will be grey with red stripes on d sides, away will be yellow with blue stripes, something like the Thailand jersey.
