Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Match cancelled.... AGAIN!

Hi guys,

lightnight seldom strike twice but apparent it did.
our match against RP on wednesday has been cancelled, yet again.
reason is because we dnt have players and our defence is totally empty.

therefore, pls take note that starting from this wk, training will be every TUESDAY and THURSDAY, 7pm.

the following players, you are required to attend training unless valid reasons.

1. Haza
2. Wee Yang
3. Darrel Tan
4. Zhong
5. Jerald
6. Sin Ting
7. Josh
8. Vincent
9. Brandon
10. Darren
11. Aloy
12. Terence
13. Patrick
14. Sebas
15. Fahmi
16. Romulo
17. Jason Chew
18. Jason Ang
19. Jeremy
20. Joe
21. Wafi (if recovered)
23. Khai
23. Players that i have missed out

No player is bigger than SIM Soccer itself, rmbr this.


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