Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Dash Berlin this Oops, wrong post

Hey guys, take note tt there wont be any training tdy at Ulu Pandan(290610)
If you are there, fret not, netballers always dont mind a few eye candies or some dudes to join in their training.

Anyway, for the month of July, its gonna be INTENSEEEEEE.
1. This is the month that we are gonna finalise details for SUNig 2010, in terms of jerseys, sponsorships
2. Starting from 9 July game against Murdoch Uni(i will try to tie up Voxsports to video our game), Marko will try to arrange friendlies every 2 wks n we need at least 15 footies per game, pls free up yr asses when d call comes!
3. Anyone with valuable contacts t achieve sponsorship for the team, pls try t get it. yr effort will be very much appreciated.

On a side note, this friday dash berlin gna spin at Zouk and i heard KL Zouk as well as Asian Heritage Row clubs are getting more n more ups

(: Darren

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