Monday, August 15, 2011

August week 3

Hi guys,

We are having a busy schedule this coming week.

1) Monday & Wednesday
- Trainings 7pm

Friendly vs NFA U-18 7:30pm @ ITE Simei
- Be there by 6:45pm

Friendly vs Singapore Cricket Club 3:00pm @ Dempsey Field
- Be there by 2:15pm

Players who have difficulty coming on time for friendly games, please inform me before hand.
For both friendlies, wear YELLOW top, BLACK shorts and socks.

I would like to emphasise to all players to show the utmost commitment towards training and matches if you really have a desire to play for SIM Soccer. This is no kuching-kurap team that you join to play as and when you want. Competition is high and no places are guaranteed. We need to train and play together as often as possible so that we can gel in time before SUniG. Other schools have much more preparation than team SIM but I KNOW, that this year we have the squad to match, if not better, any other tertiary team.

Jason Ang

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