Friday, September 3, 2010

Asean University Games(AUG) Trials

Hello peeps,

The 2 years once inaugural AUG will be held this year again at Chiang Mai, Thailand from December 13-24. It will be a spectrum of exciting sports meet between the Asean countries and various sports are participating, with Soccer being the no.1 sport that is forever un-exclude-able. Head coach will be Mr. Arasu, currently head coach of NUS soccer team.

The trials will be held at the below details and only open to the 4 universities in Sg, namely NUS, SIM, NTU and SMU.

1. 12/9, Sunday, 4pm @ NTU
Please be in white or light coloured jersey.

Please let me know if you are interested by dropping me a SMS or inform me by next monday, the NUS game. Gary needs to collate the names and submit to the committee so that they can list up the players attending the trials and during SUNig.



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