Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Sports Psychology for IVP teams in SIM in preparation for the 09/10 IVP

Dear All

There will be a mental skills training for IVP teams in SIM in preparation for the 09/10 IVP sporting season. There are 2 parts to the program. I've arranged to complete part 2 in a single week.

ALL guys are required to attend the sessions in prep for IVP. To ensure coach and players be in sync, coaches are required to attend the sessions as well.

Girls RSVP to me if you'd like to attend the sessions.


To improve and strengthen each of your mental skills, applicable to studies, work, sports and life. Do encourage all of your team mates to attend this workshop.

It will be very beneficial for our team growth as well as for your work and/or life after school/sports.


The Mental Skills Training Programme consists of two (2) parts:

Part 1: A three-hour Interactive Sport Psychology Workshop for all IVP teams (only 200 seats available, first come first served basis)

Part 2: Four hours of sport-specific Group coaching (See below for the booked date/time slots for soccer club)


Part 1:
6.30pm, Wed 2 Dec 09 @ SIM HQ

Part 2:
Mental Strength Training Mon, 7 Dec, 7pm
Small Group Coaching 1 Wed, 9 Dec, 7pm 2hrs TBC
Small Group Coaching 2 Mon, 14 Dec, 7pm 2hrs TBC