Saturday, September 19, 2009

Student Week 2009 - Sept 22 - Sept 25

"Dear SIM Sports Representatives, I am sure by now you would have seen the HUGE banner hanging above library promoting our first-ever SIM Sports Fest 2009. This year, SLS will be moving the Sports Club into the grandhall. Attendance of ALL Clubs is compulsory." - SLS


SIM Soccer will have:

1) Recruitment Booth for Ladies -

· Please decorate your booth on Tuesday morning, 22nd September 2009. All booth must be ready by 10am.

· Tear down will be on Friday afternoon, 25th September 2009 at 5pm.

Note: The Best decorated booth and Best Goodies booth will stand to win $100.00 cash each for their club!

2) Booth for Futsal Fives 2009 -

· The booth will be opened from 10am - 5pm

· Flyers will be distributed to students to market the event

· Guys, kindly volunteer and let me know who will be free next week to help out a couple of hours for different days.

3) Event happenings at the atrium

· Performances by our very own SIM Arts & Cultural Clubs (Daily)

· Muay Thai Demo on 22 sept at 12.40pm

· Sports Fashion Parade on 22 Sept at 12.10pm (Janice and Joe representing SIM Soccer)

· Judo Demo on 23 Sept at 11.30am

· Taekwondo Demo on Sept at 11.45am

· SIM's Got Talent! on 24 & 25 Sept

· Performances by other schools on 24 Sept