Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Jersey for IVP 2009 and onwards

Guys, we are looking to purchase RED (home) and BLUE (away) jerseys for IVP. 

Do look out for Nice jerseys within e budget of $1,200 for both Home and Away. Snap a pic and show it to us. We are looking to get the jerseys by 3rd week December. Meaning to say, we'll need to start window shopping now and placing orders soonest.

1. The club will be keeping the Jerseys and assign it to selected players for tournaments i.e. SUNig and IVP. We'll continue to wear our current Red trg kit for training and friendly games.

2. Apart from the training kits, Individuals will no longer be keeping the tournament jerseys as it presents a problem every year of getting new ones e.g. when students graduate and new players. Hence, this effectively eliminates the hassle of printing new jerseys every year.

3. To support this proposal, assuming that $1,200 is given to purchase jerseys each yaer, we can save on jersey cost and use it for purchasing training equipments instead, which would be a better option. Fyi, no money was given to us to purchase equipments this year even though it was proposed.

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