Saturday, February 26, 2011

Jollilads 2011 - WUG

Hi guys, the NFL season is gonna start this season again and Jollilads Arsenal, the combined uni team, will be looking to participate in the NFL Div 2 from 3rd April onwards.

Missing out on promotion to NFL1 by 4 pts, the team performed beyond expectations last year and we came in 3rd. It is also beneficial for the team if the application to participate in the World Universities Game is accepted and this competition will build d foundation for the team.

The training and trials will be held every Wednesday, 7.30pm at NUS and every Saturday, 3pm at NTU.

Interested players please inform Wee Yang or Darren. Non school team members are also encouraged to join.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

IVP 2010/2011

Well, the curtains were drawn and set on this year's IVP. A very sad piece of fact remained that for 2 years in the running, none of the 4 local unis broke into d semis and left d competition in d preliminary rounds.

Let's talk about what's happening in the local uni soccer scene. Are we getting too complacent after NUS won the IVP in 2008 or are we a bunch of has-beens or a bunch of undiscovered talent pool waiting for our chance to shine at the bigger stage? I would choose the latter.

This year, SIM performed the best amongst the universities and rightfully, this will set our direction straight and without a doubt, to clinch the SUNig title this year from NTU. An overhaul of the committee will take place and you will most likely, yes I will bring down the speculations, you will DEFINITELY see new faces taking up roles in this club.

Coach was an utterly disappointed man in this campaign, having led this team with the highest optimism but only to fail at the last hurdle. Its ok lads, to me, I see this as a motivation and I'm sure, this year, will be a better year.

Our team this year that competed in IVP 2011 has been playing together for at least 2 seasons, or I should say, the core players. The new blood came into the system and with much admiration, they blended in well.

Lets keep this team balance up and maintain the healthy team spirit, be it beer, club, bloodshed on the pitch, joy, laughter or sorrow, we will prevail and overcome all, in the name of


Monday, February 14, 2011

IVP 2010/2011 Tables

ITE 4- 3- 1- 0-9-5- 4 - 10
RP 4- 2- 2-0-6-2- 4 - 8
SIM 4 - 2-1- 1- 9-7- 2- 7
NUS 4- 1-0- 3-9-12--3-3
NTU 4- 0-0-4- 0-7- -7-0

TP 4-3-0-1-12-4-8-9
NYP 4-2-2-0- 4- 1-3-8
SP 4-0-3-1- 0- 2--2-3
NP 4-0-3-1- 3- 6--3-3
SMU 4-0-2-2- 1- 7--6-2

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Post Game Report


Well guys, end of the day i supposed the result didnt turn against our favor but i would say that d effort and guts shown throughout this knockout stage is nothing short of impressive.

To come down from 3-0 and qualification chances looking bleak, our fighting spirit shown once again. 2 quick goals, coupled by a silly(standardddddd) send off by one of d ITE players looked set to open up the game for us but in due honesty, t play against a side like ITE, littered with their only experience in life which is soccer, a comeback looked unlikely.

Would like to do a cheik tiote but with dubious refereeing which was shown once again, wrong offside calls and horrifying calls, the game ended 3-2.

Was a great game guys, like how we have predicted d whole tournament t b, being d underdogs and supposedly gonna lose t ITE, i think 7 pts fr 4 games plus a +2 goal difference is remarkable. We are still in d bracket t qualify and this thurs will decide our fate, may lady luck shine on us.

Lets pray and hope tt ITE can do us a favor or RP t self destruct by a 2 goal deficit or more, that will send us sailing into d semis, preserving our SIM and universities' pride.

This thurs guys, lets head down to ITE Simei and watch the game. RP will b feeling d heat without their YL players and of course, hopefully d results will swing in our favor.

Great job, im v v v proud of you guys.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Game of our life

Like d title on this post, tdy is d biggest game tt SIM SOCCER is ever gna play in their IVP history. We used t make up d numbers in IVP, we used t b d team tt opponents will try out their unused players or t notch higher goal difference against BUT now, times have changed, so is our team.

Now, not only we have improved and playing finally as a team, we have opponent coaches waxing lyrical over our quality we possessed in d team and our never say die attitude.

Remember our game against NUS? pure class. superb commitment, hunger and attitude from everybody, even t d fans n our coach.

Lets jst do this one more time guys, lets play it ALL out against ITE, we get a result tt we need and it would b a beautiful week for us. We are not jst playing for ourselves here, but we are playing for SIM and the pride of university soccer where the rest have failed. Its our era now, its our time t set the example t our next, next next or d future generation of uni soccer. forget NUS of '08 when they won d IVP against ITE, now its d class of '11, SIM Soccer Club.

7.30pm, Ngee Ann Poly
Reporting time: 6.30pm
Bring yr yellow and grey top
I'll bring d champagne cos im gna go 100% and i knw u guys will as well

'one man can't lead d charge, it needs 11 bravehearts'